Mothers Day Stall - Friday 12th May
Each year the PFA organise Mother's and Father's Day stalls for students to purchase a gift to give to a special someone in their life.
This year's Mother's Day stall will be held on the 12th of May.
We kindly ask for families to donate one small gift per student to contribute to the Mother's Day stall. Please drop gifts off to office.
on the day of the Mother's Day stall the students will have a turn of visiting the stall with their class and can purchase one gift each. All gift6s will be $2. Each child is also asked to bring a named bag on the day to carry their gift home.
Funds raised at the Mother's Day stall will go towards educational resourcses and camps for students at QHPS.
Ideas for gift donations include: soap, socks, candles, gardning item, tea and coffee, chocolates, hand creams - home made or bought.
We are looking for helpers for the stall and invite any parents who are available to come along and help from 9.00am on Friday the 12th of May.
It is a fun morning and a great way to meet some other parents while being part of something special for the students. We would also love some volunteers to help with the big job of wrapping and preparing the gifts either on Monday 8th or Tuesday 9th of May from 2.00pm - 3.30pm. Please let the school office know if you are available to help at any of these times.
Kind regrads,
QHPS Parents & Friends